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WPS Light Not On

WPS Light Not on Netgear Extender? Let's fix it together!

The Netgear range extender’s LED lights are not for aesthetics. They show the strength of your internet connection and the condition of the power supply to your gadget. To ascertain the extender-router connection, one must examine the router light. However, the Device light indicates whether or not the devices connecting to the extender’s network are receiving a fast internet connection. Additionally, the extender has a WPS light that alerts users to the WiFi security on the device. On certain occasions, it displays a solid green colour, while on other times, it blinks green. However, the Netgear extender WPS light does not appear to be the problem.
To fix the Netgear extender WPS light not on issue, let’s first acquaint you with the steps to connect to the extender via WPS. Then, you may learn how to enable WiFi security or WPS.

How Do I Set Up a WPS Connection for a Netgear Extender?

Here, we’ve outlined the procedures to establish a WPS connection between your Netgear extender and a router that supports it for your convenience. The following steps are underlined to help illustrate the process:

  • Turn on your Netgear range extender first.
  • Hold off until you observe that the extender’s power light has solidified.
  • After finishing, proceed to your router and follow the previous step’s instructions regarding the extender.
  • There will be some activity seen on the extender’s WPS light.
  • It signifies the establishment of a safe and effective WPS connection.

You can also use the above-mentioned techniques to set up a Netgear extender. For now though, let’s concentrate on solutions for when the Netgear extender’s WPS light fails to turn on.

WPS Light on the Netgear Extender is off

Bringing your extender and the WPS-enabled device closer to one another is the first thing you can do to resolve the current predicament. The Netgear extender WPS light not on issue might occur when a connection drops out owing to inadequate device connectivity. But remember that you shouldn’t put the two gadgets too near to one other. Otherwise, issues can get worse rather than get better. After you’ve made the necessary atonement, see if the unpleasant situation has ended. If not, it is now necessary for you to manually enable WiFi security.

How to Turn on WPS security for the extender again.

Following the modification of the WiFi security standard, you must provide your extender with a strong network key.

  • Go to the login page for the Netgear extender.
  • Scrutinize that the router and your extender are connected by cable.
  • Pass in the username and keyword on the login screen.
  • To access the Status page, select Log In.
  • Click Wireless Settings now, then select the Settings menu.
  • Pass in the original SSID in the Network Name [SSID] turf to subordinate it with the extender.
  • Choose Use a Different Password from the WiFi Password menu.
  • Using the drop-down menu, choose the Security Type.
  • Input the innovative keyword now.
  • Pass in the keyword again to authorize it.
  • Apply the adjustments by swiping down.

Final thoughts

We’ve now concluded the section of the guide that addressed what to do in the event that the Netgear wifi extender WPS light does not illuminate. We’re hoping that when you make the aforementioned corrections, the issue will be resolved. If, however, you are still having trouble, try clearing the area around the extender of anything that could be causing WiFi interference. The issue in the debate arose because they hinder your extender’s ability to function properly. And sure, if you’re still having trouble with the Netgear extender WPS light not on issue, you can contact our experts.